How to Protect Your Privacy If You Win the Lottery

Lottery is the drawing of lots to determine ownership or rights, and it’s been a common practice since ancient times. For example, Moses is instructed in the Old Testament to divide land among the Israelites by lottery, and Roman emperors often gave away slaves and property during Saturnalian feasts by lottery. Early American colonists also used the lottery to raise money for their towns, military ventures and public works projects, such as roads, canals, churches, libraries and colleges. Lotteries grew in popularity throughout the country by the 1760s, and George Washington ran one to help pay for the construction of the Mountain Road in Virginia. Benjamin Franklin ran a lottery to help finance cannons during the Revolutionary War, and John Hancock ran a lottery for the rebuilding of Faneuil Hall in Boston. However, the lottery fell out of favor in the 1820s because of concerns that it was harmful to the public.

Many states, including the District of Columbia, have lotteries. Those who participate in the lotteries pay small amounts of money for the chance to win large sums of money or other prizes, such as vacations. Many of these lotteries are governed by state law, while others are run by private businesses or organizations. While some critics of the lottery argue that it’s an addictive form of gambling, others point to its ability to fund important public causes.

In Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Lottery,” the people of a remote American village are excited but nervous about an annual lottery. They have prepared for the event by buying tickets, one per family. A woman named Tessie Hutchinson is anxious because she believes that the lottery is not fair and will result in her death. In the end, Tessie is stoned to death for her beliefs. While the story may not seem to have much to do with the lottery, it does highlight how violent and unforgiving people can be when they feel that they have been wronged.

If you win the lottery, it’s important to protect your privacy. It’s tempting to yell “I won the lottery!” from the rooftops, but be careful that your neighbors don’t hear you. You should also avoid giving interviews or showing up at a press conference. Instead, you can set up a blind trust through an attorney to keep your name out of the spotlight.

If you’re thinking of sharing your winnings with family and friends, keep in mind that there are limits on how much you can give to them without paying a gift tax. You can give away $11.4 million per person, without incurring any taxes, says Suze Orman, personal finance expert and host of the CNBC show “Women & Money.” However, if you want to give more than that amount, you’ll have to pay a hefty percentage. To find out more, visit the Internal Revenue Service’s website.